ESPN’s Aikman-Buck-Schefter-Woj Spending Spree Smart? | Pulpit Politics a Good Idea? | Ep 181
0 Pulpit Rock Church CO adam schefter adrian wojnarowski Aikman aikman epsn Aikman Whitlock blaze Buck Buck Whitlock espn ESPN Aikman ESPN Buck ESPN Spending Spree ESPN Whitlock ESPN Woj ESPN Woj Schefter Buck Aikman fearless fearless with jason whitlock jason whitlock jason witlock Joe Buck ESPN Pulpit Politics Schefter Trending News Troy Aikman Troy Aikman ESPN whitlock Whitlock Buck Aikman Whitlock ESPN Whitlock Joe Buck Whitlock Pulpit Politics Whitlock Troy Aikman
Whitlock calls ESPN’s starting line-up Stephen & the Blowfish: Cracker Rear View, in tribute to ’90s supergroup Hootie & the …